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Frequently asked questions


How can I ensure that I am in compliance with immigration laws and regulations?

To ensure you are in compliance with immigration laws and regulations, it is important to work with immigration experts who can help you navigate the legal requirements and ensure you are in compliance. with the rules in force. You should also familiarize yourself with the applicable immigration laws and regulations in your province and in the countries where you plan to recruit international candidates. You can also follow our tailor-made training for Canadian employers recruiting internationally.

How can I facilitate the immigration process for the international candidates I hire?

To make the immigration process easier for the international candidates you hire, you can work with immigration experts who can help you navigate the immigration processes and obtain the necessary work permits. It is also important to communicate clearly with international applicants and help them adjust to their new host country.

What are the challenges of international recruitment?

International recruitment can present challenges such as time zone differences, language barriers, complex immigration processes and cultural diversity. It is important to work with international recruitment experts to overcome these challenges and to ensure that your international candidates are successfully integrated into your company.

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